The bright side.

Hi loyal readers. Long time no blog!

Most of you know that Cedar Rapids has seen some hard times recently. The recent flooding has seemed to give the whole area some perspective, and there is an increased sense of community almost everywhere you turn.

For those of you who may be wondering, yes, the Nature Center did take on some water. There will be some pictures of that mess in a future update, but we thought that maybe you’d like the good news…

The prairie is blooming!

spiderwort fleabane

pale purple coneflower horse nettle

The recent overload of water has given us quite the flower garden. So get out there (on the higher ground prairie… some of the lower areas of ICNC are still quite mushy), walk so you can’t see your car anymore and enjoy the nature. Right now we can all use this kind of therapy!

flood, Flowers
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