Indian Creek Clean Up
August 3, 2024
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Clean up the creek with us!
Champions of Nature of all ages are invited to join this annual volunteer project walking Indian Creek and removing trash to keep the waterway clean, healthy and beautiful for everyone.

Indian Creek Clean Up
Our newest tradition!
As our namesake, the Indian Creek is dear to our hearts. It is also important to us because of its role in maintaining the water quality and natural biodiversity of the surrounding area and the Cedar River.
On a warm Saturday morning in August of 2023, a group of 20 volunteers led by a few staff members assembled at the Penningroth Barn. This group included staff members, long-time volunteers and families with young children. Equipped with gloves and mesh bags, they ascended down the banks of Indian Creek and onto the confluence where the creek meets the Cedar River.
Then they faced the creek and began walking. Not only did they clean up trash as they walked but they also took time to enjoy the outdoors. A small group spotted a water bug and paused to discuss what species it might be. The group spread out and, each at their own pace, made their way upstream to the site of the Bertram Road Bridge — which was currently under construction.
By noon the volunteers had removed enough trash, including rubber tires, glass bottles, metal bars, cigarette butts and fishing wire, to fill the back of a pick up truck. In only a few hours, they had left the creek cleaner and healthier than they found it.

In 2024, the Creek Clean Up is becoming an annual event with even greater ambitions.
The stretch of the creek to be walked will be extended another one-half mile past the Bertram Road Bridge all the way to the bridge further upstream that crosses Rosedale Drive. This will require additional coordination, and more volunteers, who will each start at separate ends of the area. This expanded effort will have a greater impact on health of the waterway.
We hope to see more and more of our fellow Champions of Nature join us as we begin this new tradition of walking our namesake creek to keep it clean, healthy and beautiful for all living creatures.
Looking for other ways to volunteer with the Nature Center?
While the Indian Creek Clean Up benefits our waterways, volunteers at Indian Creek Nature Center can impact our community and our environment in many ways.
Whether you’re interested in organic farming, chainsawing, teaching children or just being outdoors, you can help nature thrive as a volunteer.