Recycle your Christmas Tree

Time to take down the tree? If it’s real, it can be recycled!
The city of Cedar Rapids takes donations of Christmas trees through the end of January.

Trees can be left at the Sac & Fox parking lot north of the blue bridge on Bertram Rd. They need to be undecorated, as flocking, tinsel, ornaments, plastic ties and twine, etc bind up the chipper machine and ultimately create litter in the environment.
Mulch created from recycled trees is used to resurface Indian Creek Nature Center’s woodland trails. Mulching typically takes place January through early March, depending on weather, and is a great group volunteer service project.
Want to get involved? Fill out our volunteer application form and let us know what you’re interested in. We’d love to pair your passions with projects at the Nature Center!


christmas tree, holidays, mulch, recycling, repurposing, tree recycling, volunteer, volunteering
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