Organic produce fresh from Etzel Sugar Grove Farm is now available in the Creekside Shop.
Produce is grown organically at Etzel Sugar Grove Farm in rural Marion. In addition to our organic, free-range eggs (available year round), a variety of vegetables will be available throughout the summer and will include:

Etzel Sugar Grove Farm represents the future of agriculture in Iowa. We are implementing restorative agriculture practices that lead toward greater sustainability in farming, and educating the public on these practices as we work to restore the health of Iowa’s farms, soil, watersheds, and environment. The 190-acre farm was donated to the Nature Center by George Etzel in 2016 and is one of the largest gifts in the Nature Center’s history. Presented with this incredible gift, the Nature Center’s board and staff knew it was an opportunity to truly impact environmental sustainability in Iowa. By working toward making agriculture more sustainable, ICNC can carry out its mission to create a more sustainable future.