A summer of fun, outdoor play, and learning are just what the children in your life need right now.
At Indian Creek Nature Center’s Creek Camp, your child will be guided by our full-time Naturalists Andria Cossolotto and Emily Roediger and experienced Summer Naturalists as they explore the outdoors. Campers will learn about wildlife, enjoy unstructured play, practice outdoor skills, observe the wonder of nature and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Children will create memories while they learn and even get a little dirty, too. Creek Camp will help foster in your child a connection to the outdoors that lasts a lifetime!
Due to popular demand, we’ve added two additional weeks of camp in 2020 (13 weeks total!) and have camps for children preschool (age 4-5) through 6th grade. Creek Camp is also scheduled to begin in early June and end in mid-August to accommodate summer vacations. Each camp is a little different; some are half-day (preschool), some are all-day, some are four days, and some have an overnight component. Go here to read about each camp, view the dates, times, and descriptions. If you register by April 30th, your child will get a FREE Creek Camp t-shirt!
Creek Camp is open for registration now. Looking to give the gift of summer camp to a family member? Contact Registrar Rachel Bailey at rachel@indiancreeknaturecenter.org. Special discounts apply for members at the Household Plus level and above. Not a member? Go here for more information or contact Membership and Development Coordinator Nancy Lackner at nancy@indiancreeknaturecenter.org or 319-361-0664 ext. 309.
p.s. Gift cards are now available in $25, $50 or $100 increments! Gift cards can be applied to anything at Indian Creek Nature Center, including Creek Camps, items in our Creekside Shop, memberships, programs, etc.
“Gift cards are great because most children have plenty of everything but the outdoors,” says ICNC Board Member Terry Strait. “They make perfect gifts so children can be involved in an outdoor learning environment, and families then have the choice of what classes they want to take that fits their family’s schedule.”

Check out all of the 2020 Creek Camps
Preschool Camps:
Digging Up Dinos (5 spots left as of 4/1)
Super Scales (5 spots left as of 4/1)
Junior Naturalist (6 spots left as of 4/1)
Week-Long Camps with an Overnight:
Wet, Muddy & Wild | 3rd-4th Grade (6 spots left as of 4/1)