Marion Patterson is a dedicated labyrinth walker. In fact, she has one in her front yard! She was also instrumental in installing the Prairie Labyrinth here at the Nature Center. Marion advocates for walking the labyrinth in all seasons in this post. She also provides the photos.

How do you spell labyrinth? B…R…A…C…I…N…G! The past days I have walked both the 1080 Laughing Labyrinth and the Prairie Labyrinth at the Indian Creek Nature Center. A world of difference! Grey to sunny. North wind to southwest breeze. Tentative footsteps to confident strides. Too bright – even in the grey light – to just right in the sunlight! The Prairie Labyrinth in winter is wind swept, sunny, and contributes to a pilgrim’s alertness. Deer on the south hillside. Eagle overhead. Geese on the wing.

Both walks were equally valuable. Today’s at the Center was pure delight with winter weeds contrasting against the snow and a mature bald eagle soaring close overhead. To my delight, other pilgrims have walked both, too. So, now is a perfect time to walk a labyrinth. Just dress warmly!