Building Closed
Amazing Space will be closed.
Amazing Space will be closed.
Description: Explore the Nature Center in winter with hands-on activities, games and experiments both inside Amazing Space and outside on the trails and grounds. Day camps are open to all...
Description: Explore the Nature Center in winter with hands-on activities, games and experiments both inside Amazing Space and outside on the trails and grounds. Day camps are open to all...
Description: Explore the Nature Center in winter with hands-on activities, games and experiments both inside Amazing Space and outside on the trails and grounds. Day camps are open to all...
Description: Explore the Nature Center in winter with hands-on activities, games and experiments both inside Amazing Space and outside on the trails and grounds. Day camps are open to all...
Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center...
Investigate the wonders of water—snow and ice—in the winter. How does snow actually help plants and animals? Make sure to dress for the weather as we plan to spend time...