We have a new member special going on right now at the Nature Center – first-time members who join now get BONUS membership months! Our usual membership cycle is March through February each year, but…
Fresh, comb honey When people stop into the Creekside Shop, we are often asked, “What’s the big deal about local honey? How is it different than what I can buy at the grocery store?” Aside…
Jean shares her observations as honey season winds down Goldenrod The goldenrod is one of the first fall flowers to begin blooming, and it marks the end of the honey season for beekeepers. We’ve been…
We’re asked this so often, Jan decided to update everyone on Old Henry: It took 20 kids to get around Old Henry in 1984 A frequent question posed to Nature Center staff is, “Is Old…
Land Steward Jean Wiedenheft is tired of pulling old tires out of Indian Creek! Here we go again. Back in June of 2009, Project AWARE volunteers removed 103 tires from the waterways in this area,…
Land steward Jean Wiedenheft loves to take photos of “her” bees on our flowers around the grounds and the bees have been going crazy for the Joe Pye weed out back. It’s really not a…
Office Manager, Dana Wood, works with many of our volunteers, particularly the ladies in the Guild. She shares our feelings about our volunteers… Members of the Guild get ready for Nature’s Noel. Volunteers are the…
Naturalist Jennifer Rupp shares news of a new discovery on the grounds! “Goin’ Buggy” isn’t just the theme of one of our preschool summer camps this year; it is a part of EVERY summer camp…
Summer intern Annie Stark has observed an abundance of mushrooms sprouting around the grounds. Here are a couple of the more interesting specimens. Being an intern at the nature center has allowed me to discover…
Our new Executive Director, John Myers, is just getting his feet “wet” in his new position, but he already has some observations to share. Vernon middle schoolers try out the labyrinth after helping with prairie…