Ready to get your hands dirty? ICNC invites youth ages 11 and older to participate in a summer solstice day (June 21st from 9 AM to 3 PM) of volunteering to help restore Nature Center…
Hi all! I hope you’re gearing up for a great long weekend! We thought we would drop a line to clear one thing up: Did you know that the Nature Center’s trails and grounds are…
Spring is in full swing at the Nature Center! The grass is greening up and we’re getting ready for the 17th annual Women’s Walking Workshop on Saturday, April 24th. We’ve got some really great speakers…
Recently the Nature Center received an exciting check in the mail. It wasn’t a large amount ($5.47 to be exact), but it was a product of the efforts of some of our loyal members. GoodSearch…
Indian Creek Nature Center is now offering an electronic mailing list! Follow this link and enter your email address. If you are a past or current member of the Nature Center, an email will be…
By the look of our downstairs, you probably wouldn’t think that we’re making progress. The walls have been removed, the floor can’t be walked on, and the only bathroom on site, temporarily, is the port-o-john.…
I’ve been a little behind on tell you about the news that the Nature Center has been making (all of the following articles have been published in the Gazette: Late last month, Rich was interviewed…
We couldn’t let today go by without a little something to show that we all remember what this day means. (Photo by American photographer Jonathan Hyman. Click the picture to follow the link.)
Standing on the property today, it’s hard to visualize how high the water really got during the historic June flooding. Can you see the “scum line”? Yuck! Every day at the Nature Center, we strive…
I never really got around to telling you the bad news… and now, enough time has passed that our bad news doesn’t really seems so bad, so let’s dive in, okay? Today, if our director,…