On a sunny Saturday morning, a curious gathering of pilgrims, eager to learn more about labyrinths, met at Indian Creek Nature Center. After a brief overview and orientation, they began their journey at the Nature Center’s Prairie Labyrinth. The birds were cheerfully singing and insects winged overhead.

From the beginning, the group revealed its spirit. While different from what leader Marion Patterson initially envisioned, the feel was just right and reminded her of a child’s approach to labyrinth walking – engagement, interest, and fun.
Heidi Hartke was one of the labyrinth pilgrims and she relayed these thoughts to Marion after the walk…
You are such a joyful person – it was you who set the tone for the labyrinth tour with the feathers and seeds and little notebooks and the emphasis on the fact that this was an introduction to something really special. We all were pleasantly surprised by the experience – and by the fact that there were multiple labyrinths in Cedar Rapids. It was one of those unexpected, really touching adventures-truly a delight…
Read more about their day-long adventure (and apparent magical powers) here.
Find out more about the Nature Center’s Prairie Labyrinth here.