Full Moon Hike

Lace up your snow boots to join a small group of adventurers for a guided night hike. The ICNC prairie and woodland trails will be lit by the light of the full moon, but you'll also want to bring a flashlight or headlamp, just in case of cloud cover. Night hikers will explore some of...

Creekside Forest School Open House

Join Director of Education, Marcy Fratzke, for a look at Creekside Forest School. Prospective families, interested community members, current or pre-service educators are welcome to attend. Register

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Preschool Trail Trekkers: Feathered Friends

Explore the fascinating world of our feathered friends and go bird watching with a naturalist. Take a peek at our collection of bird nests and colorful feathers while you learn about their songs, characteristics and habitats. For preschoolers with adult. Dress for outdoor activities. Fees: $5 preschooler (ages 3-5), free for ages 2 and under,...

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Preschool Trail Trekkers: Feathered Friends

Explore the fascinating world of our feathered friends and go bird watching with a naturalist. Take a peek at our collection of bird nests and colorful feathers while you learn about their songs, characteristics and habitats. For preschoolers with adult. Dress for outdoor activities. Fees: $5 preschooler (ages 3-5), free for ages 2 and under,...

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Cub Scout Arrow of Light: Into the Wild

Learn about and meet animals up close. Explore animal habitats. Play a food chain and food web game to learn about ecosystems and connections. Explore a model of human interactions on wildlife habitats. (You will be responsible for requirement #2 on your own) Fees: $10 per scout, Scout leaders free (limit 2 per group), $5...