Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Nature’s Noel

‘Tis the season for handcrafted holiday decor, unique gifts and homemade baked goods when Nature’s Noel arrives the first Saturday in December. Across the Nature Center’s grounds visitors can find beautiful fresh-cut evergreens fashioned into wreaths, centerpieces, kissing balls, swags and yule logs, all available for purchase to make your home festive for the holidays!...

Hike it Baby!

Parents and their children from birth to school age are invited to join the Cedar Rapids Hike It Baby chapter for a family-friendly hike at the Nature Center! Hike It Baby is a national non-profit organization that offers new parents an opportunity to connect and get into nature with their young children. Dress appropriately for...