Winter Break Camp: Winter Fun

Description: Explore the Nature Center in winter with hands-on activities, games and experiments both inside Amazing Space and outside on the trails and grounds. Day camps are open to all Kindergarteners through 3rd graders, and we will cover different topics and activities for each day so come for one or multiple days! (Monday's topic is...

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Preschool Trail Trekkers: Winter Water Wonders

Investigate the wonders of water—snow and ice—in the winter. How does snow actually help plants and animals? Make sure to dress for the weather as we plan to spend time outside enjoying this beautiful season. For preschoolers with adult. Fees: $5 preschooler (ages 3-5), free for ages 2 and under, adults free. Registration Deadline: 2...

Project FeederWatch

Project FeederWatch is a winter-long citizen science survey of birds. Join us for just a few minutes or stay for awhile in our Bird Room at Indian Creek Nature Center as we participate in this citizen science project. We’ll send our counts to Project FeederWatch to help scientists track broadscale movements of winter bird populations...

Bird Banding

Join ornithologist Dr. Neil Bernstein at Amazing Space for a special bird banding program. Be our guest and drop in anytime to watch Dr. Bernstein net, band, and release birds from Nature Center property. You’ll get a chance to see the equipment he uses, observe the banding process, and learn about the importance of banding....

Preschool Trail Trekkers: Winter Water Wonders

Investigate the wonders of water—snow and ice—in the winter. How does snow actually help plants and animals? Make sure to dress for the weather as we plan to spend time outside enjoying this beautiful season. For preschoolers with adult. Fees: $5 preschooler (ages 3-5), free for ages 2 and under, adults free. Registration Deadline: 2...

Girl Scout Juniors: Animal Habitats

Who lives in your wild backyard? Discover several animal habitats at the Nature Center. Explore animal homes and create your own bird feeder to help the birds. Investigate endangered prairie habitats. How can we help protect them? Discover who lives in your own backyard habitat. This completes most of the Animal Habitats badge. Fees: $10...

Full Moon Hike

Lace up your snow boots to join a small group of adventurers for a guided night hike. The ICNC prairie and woodland trails will be lit by the light of the full moon, but you'll also want to bring a flashlight or headlamp, just in case of cloud cover. Night hikers will explore some of...