Jean updates us on our mysterious burrows… One of our mystery burrows We set out with a trail cam to find who had been digging these significant holes midwinter. From the look of it, they…
Jan took a group of snowshoers on a hike last week and spotted something unexpected! Here’s here report: This looks like fun! Rivers otters, playful creatures that they are, have take advantage of recent snow…
As a follow-up to our Friday blog, here’s a photo of land steward, Jean Wiedenheft, STANDING in the hollow center of the old oak we took down on Friday. What do they say about one…
Click photo for larger image This morning, we lose an old friend – a heritage white oak tree that probably sprouted during the Civil War. Rich estimates that it’s at least 50,000 days old and…
While Jan and Jenny were out hiding geocaches this morning, they spotted some other treasures along the way. Jan reports… As Jenny and I prepared for our 2 pm Geocaching program this afternoon (come join…
Land Steward Jean Wiedenheft has had a busy couple of days in the aftermath of our blizzard. She reports in below: Thursday, near the banks of Indian Creek, I watched the wind tear the top…
Photo by Duane Cooley It always surprises me how many people think we close up and go home for the winter. Not even CLOSE! The wildlife around here (and no, I’m not talking about the…
Kelly Souza and her family have enjoyed walking our Prairie Labyrinth since it’s opening earlier this year. They thought they’d take one last stroll before the weather got bad and had a bit of a…
To get to his winter habitat, of course. Jean got a call from a beekeeper in Springville about a band (or maelstrom, if you prefer) of tiger salamanders crossing the road near her home. Salamanders…
Business Manager, Dana Wood, shares her secret to stress relief Fall on Otis Road At my previous job I worked downtown in the basement of the old Armstrong building and did not look forward to…