Many of you loyal blog readers probably know that the Emerald Ash Borer has been found in Iowa. (Allamakee County, to be exact. Check out the official statement here.) While the state of Iowa fought…
Ready to get your hands dirty? ICNC invites youth ages 11 and older to participate in a summer solstice day (June 21st from 9 AM to 3 PM) of volunteering to help restore Nature Center…
Spring is in full swing at the Nature Center! The grass is greening up and we’re getting ready for the 17th annual Women’s Walking Workshop on Saturday, April 24th. We’ve got some really great speakers…
Meet Moby, the Nature Center‘s new best friend! This 65-gallon rain barrel is made of sturdy recycled plastic and is a key player in ICNC’s new watershed initiative. By the second anniversary of the 2008…
Indian Creek Nature Center is now offering an electronic mailing list! Follow this link and enter your email address. If you are a past or current member of the Nature Center, an email will be…
Sunday and Monday at the Nature Center were alive with the sounds of children experiencing nature. (Curiously, that sounds a lot like a marimba!) We dedicated the new trail on Sunday, and the media coverage…
Do you know where your food comes from? It seems like a simple question, but if it is so simple, why is it so difficult to answer? In an age of industrialized food systems, the…
It’s officially Autumn, and it’s time for something new and exciting from the Nature Center! For the last few months, our staff members in conjunction with Metro High School have been hard at work on…
Are you interested in learning how to build your own solar cooker? Are you concerned with “greening” your energy? Do you just love to eat? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then…
Last week, our director Rich Patterson received the prestigious Aldo Leopold Award from the Garden Club of America. He attended the award ceremony in St. Louis with his wife Marion (who frequently contributes beautiful photos…