Parents and their children from birth to school age are invited to join the Cedar Rapids Hike It Baby chapter for a family-friendly hike at the Nature Center! Hike It Baby is a national non-profit organization that offers new parents an opportunity to connect and get into nature with their young children. Dress appropriately for...
Fresh Air After School at Indian Creek Nature Center is a drop-off immersive nature experience. Children will go on learning adventures with experienced ICNC educators. Educators will develop seasonally appropriate themes, but the children will determine the specifics of their time at the Nature Center. Children will spend ample time outdoors exploring and learning at...
Learn the basic information you need to raise hens in urban and suburban areas during class. Participants will receive a certificate of completion, enabling them to get a permit to legally keep chickens in Cedar Rapids and other communities. This class is geared towards adults. Please note: If your registration contains multiple participants, a certificate...
As the weather warms up, so does the frog chorus! Listen for frogs at the wetlands. Learn about the frog life cycle and special frog features, sing frog songs, and go on a frog watching hike. For preschoolers with adult. Dress for outdoor activities. Fees: $5 preschooler (ages 3-5), free for ages 2 and under,...
Fresh Air After School at Indian Creek Nature Center is a drop-off immersive nature experience. Children will go on learning adventures with experienced ICNC educators. Educators will develop seasonally appropriate themes, but the children will determine the specifics of their time at the Nature Center. Children will spend ample time outdoors exploring and learning at...
Fresh Air After School at Indian Creek Nature Center is a drop-off immersive nature experience. Children will go on learning adventures with experienced ICNC educators. Educators will develop seasonally appropriate themes, but the children will determine the specifics of their time at the Nature Center. Children will spend ample time outdoors exploring and learning at...
Join ornithologist Dr. Neil Bernstein for a special bird banding program. Be our guest and drop in at Penningroth Barn (6665 Otis Rd) anytime to watch Dr. Bernstein net, band, and release birds from Nature Center property. You’ll get a chance to see the equipment he uses, observe the banding process, and learn about the...
As the weather warms up, so does the frog chorus! Listen for frogs at the wetlands. Learn about the frog life cycle and special frog features, sing frog songs, and go on a frog watching hike. For preschoolers with adult. Dress for outdoor activities. Fees: $5 preschooler (ages 3-5), free for ages 2 and under,...
During this 45 to 60 minute walk Kathy Dice will be showing local wild edibles surrounding the Penningroth barn. Some of the edibles will be ready for harvest, but edibles that were available earlier in the season and some that will be ready later will also be pointed out. Sturdy walking shoes are recommended as...
During this 45 to 60 minute walk Kathy Dice will be showing local wild edibles surrounding the Penningroth barn. Some of the edibles will be ready for harvest, but edibles that were available earlier in the season and some that will be ready later will also be pointed out. Sturdy walking shoes are recommended as...
Lace up your hiking shoes and venture out at dusk to join a small group of adventurers for a guided night hike. The ICNC prairie and woodland trails will be lit by the light of the full moon, but you'll also want to bring a flashlight or headlamp, just in case of cloud cover. Encounters...