Brewing Enjoyment in Nature

Brewing Enjoyment in Nature

Trailside Tastings guests
Sarah Fersdahl (left) sees Trailside Tastings as a unique community event IFF staff and others can enjoy.

Similar to how the 15 craft beverage producers coming to Trailside Tastings on August 29 combine science and creativity to brew their amazing drinks, International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) employees combine science and creativity to make their products and processes kinder on the environment.

“We’re always trying to improve our products yet at the same time lower our environmental impact.” said Greg Billick, Fermentation Technical Specialist at the Cedar Rapids plant.

While the IFF corporate office has set some ambitious carbon emission reduction goals, the employees at the Cedar Rapids plant are making a difference on their own.

“There is a team in our facility called the Green Team, which is dedicated to improving sustainability either through plant activities, or through the community.” said Sarah Fersdahl, environmental engineer at the Cedar Rapids plant. 

The Green Team meets regularly to plan volunteer projects, reduce the facility’s carbon footprint, and find ways to make their products more sustainable.

“In our particular facility we produce an enzyme that goes into a leading laundry detergent brand. We recently developed a new enzyme that works as well in cold water as it does in hot water. The Green Team challenged the plant team to wash all their clothes in cold water for 3 months.  Once the challenge was completed, the findings showed enough energy savings on average to make 660 pots of coffee a day.”  

Billick continued, “From a company standpoint, we are very environmentally conscious of our process not to pollute our environment. We have a lot of procedures in place to keep from doing that. That’s always at the forefront of our thoughts. How can we have a smaller carbon footprint?” 

And the difference the Green Team makes isn’t limited to their Cedar Rapids plant. “The team really enjoys volunteering. It’s good to get out. Do what we can,” Billick said.

Lynch Wetland Dredging
IFF’s first project with Indian Creek Nature Center supported the Lynch Wetland restoration with financial and volunteer support.

IFF employees’ first volunteer project at Indian Creek Nature Center was connected to their support of the Lynch Wetland restoration.

“We worked with our corporate team to secure a grant that was used to dredge the Lynch Wetland in 2021. Our relationship originally came about then. We knew Indian Creek Nature Center would use the area for educational purposes,” said Fersdahl. “As part of that grant, we committed to volunteering three times over the next three years with the Nature Center.” 

In 2022, they worked with Director of Land Stewardship, Jean Wiedenheft, to replant native grasses in the wetland and clean up volunteer trees around the wetland. In 2023, the IFF team cleared debris around Etzel Sugar Grove Farm caused by the 2020 derecho. Then in 2024, the IFF team returned once again to the Etzel Sugar Grove Farm and got to get their hands dirty planting crops and removing invasive plant species.   

“When we were at Etzel Sugar Grove Farm, the farm manager taught us the best way to plant tomato plants. Even as adult volunteers, when we work with the Nature Center, we always learn something,” said Fersdahl.

IFF wanted to pair their volunteer support at Indian Creek Nature Center with charitable giving, directed by their Community Relations Committee. It just so happened that in 2021, Indian Creek Nature Center was launching a new event, Trailside Tastings, that seemed like a perfect fit.

Wood Fired Pizza from Lincoln Wine Bar
IFF staff look forward to attending this year’s Trailside Tastings to enjoy beers, wines, other craft beverages as well as pizza and music – and doing it all outdoors!

“We thought Trailside Tastings was the most fitting for our facility to support since we specifically make products that go into brewing beer. Our plant is a fermentation plant. Also, many of us enjoy tasting local brews.” Fersdahl continued, “We knew that our team members would enjoy this event because it combined a learning and tasting opportunity and the chance to get out into nature.” 

Enjoyment is sure to be found at Trailside Tastings, where guests can taste samples from Eastern Iowa’s best craft beverage producers (both alcoholic and nonalcoholic) and indulge in wood-fired pizza while strolling through the beautiful summer prairie. 

During the first Trailside Tastings in 2021, Fersdahl did her own research and discovered that Trailside Tastings was, in fact, an enjoyable time. “I went to the first Trailside Tastings. I really had a fun time. I would encourage anyone interested to attend.

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