

June 25 – July 8, 2023

8:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M.

Indian Creek Nature Center Grounds and Trails

No registration required.

Become a citizen scientist!

Discover unexpected animal and plant species hiding in our woodlands, prairies and wetlands.


BioBlitz creates a snapshot of the Nature Center’s biodiversity.

Read about how many volunteers participated, how many species were found and what this means for the health of our grounds in our BioBlitz 2023 Recap.

What will you discover in a BioBlitz?

Indian Creek Nature Center is hosting our first ever BioBlitz June 25 – July 1 as part of our yearlong celebration of our 50th anniversary.

Bring your family and friends and join the Nature Center and scientific professionals as a citizen scientist in recording biodiversity across Indian Creek Nature Center’s grounds and trails.

Help us to observe as many species as possible during the final week of June. This information will be extremely beneficial to the Nature Center as it will support education and land management decisions.

This event is free and open to all. How to ID Sessions will be available for people looking to have a more in-depth experience discovering, identifying and observing different species. These sessions are free but since space is limited, attendees are asked to pre-register.

Amazing Space, the Indian Creek Nature Center headquarters, will be open and staffed for extended hours from 8AM – 8PM every day of the BioBlitz. As visitors explore they will find staff and volunteers available to help navigate the trail system, track observations with the free iNaturalist app and identify the species that you find. In addition, a trained Master Naturalist will be available on the trails from 4PM – 6PM every day of the event to help you identify your discoveries!

If citizen scientists wish to search for biodiversity off trail, please dress appropriately and, as much as possible, not disrupt the environment.

What’s a BioBlitz?

A BioBlitz is a survey involving the community in efforts to document as many living things as possible in a certain area.

We are asking you to use the iNaturalist app to log all of your observations if possible. The iNaturalist app can be found, free of charge, in the Apple App Store and in the Google Play Store. There will also be a paper form available for tracking observations.

How To BioBlitz

  1. Download the free iNaturalist app from Google Play or the App Store. Make sure to turn on location services. You can also use a paper form available at Amazing Space.
  2. Come to Indian Creek Nature Center between 8AM and 8PM.
  3. Check with staff to learn what area of the grounds is being ‘Blitzed’ that day, or wandering on your own is always welcome.
  4. Record your observations using iNaturalist or the paper form.
  5. Share your favorite images on Facebook or Instagram with #ICNCBiodiversity.

You can observe as few, or as many, days as you’d like. Every observation helps to better inform future land management decisions.

Learn how to use iNaturalist in 2 minutes!

How To ID Sessions

Learn how to identify different species from local experts in these short, instructional sessions that will prepare you to ID on your own as you explore ICNC’s grounds and trails.

Tuesday, June 13

Bird ID Hike with Dr. Neil Bernstein 6:00 AM – 8:00 AM capacity 10

Wednesday, June 14

Bird Banding with Dr. Neil Bernstein 6:00 AM – 12:00 PM capacity 20

Sunday, June 25

Tree ID on the Woodland Trails with John Donner 3:00 PM capacity 25

Monday, June 26

Butterfly ID at Stimple Prairie with Don Ohde 2:00 PM capacity 25

Wildflower ID at Stimple Prairie with Ryan Elliott 6:00 PM capacity 25

Tuesday, June 27

Dragonfly ID at Wood Duck Way with Don Ohde 10:00 AM capacity: 25

Tree ID at Wood Duck Way with John Donner 12:00 PM capacity 25

Thursday, June 29

Woodland Understory ID at Věčný Woods with Tamra Elliott 1:00 PM capacity 25

Bird ID at Věčný Woods with Jim Durbin 3:00 PM capacity 25

Tree ID at Věčný Woods with John Donner 5:00 PM capacity 25

Blacklight Insect ID at Amazing Space with Jim Durbin 8:45 PM capacity 25

Saturday, July 1

Bird Banding with Dr. Neil Bernstein 6:00 AM – 12:00 PM capacity 25