Tips for an Energy Efficient Winter

Energy Saving Do-It-Yourself Tips

A Green Home in a White Winter

Outside, winter is peaceful and majestic. Inside, winter has us reaching for the thermostat.

In this moment, you may have two feelings at once: One feeling concerned with satisfying the basic human need for warmth. The conflicting feeling is an urge to reduce your energy use for the benefit of the earth and all its inhabitants.

While no one should fall asleep shivering under a mountain of blankets in an attempt to decrease their carbon footprint (especially considering 70% of global emissions are created by 100 companies worldwide, regardless of how much you shiver), there are some reasonable steps a homeowner can take to make their home more energy efficient.

During winter, energy efficiency comes down to your home’s ability to effectively produce and retain heat. Let’s look at how you can improve both of these key factors for saving energy in your home.

Tips for an Energy Efficient Winter

Check for leaks

Examine all your doors and windows for places where air is coming through. If you notice a draft, you can use sealant to close up leaks in a window or weatherstripping to fill gaps around a doorway. Both options are cheap and simple DIY projects that can drastically improve your home’s energy efficiency.

BONUS TIP: Light a candle and hold it by the window or door and watch the flame to see if a breeze moves it.

Layer Up

Just like the preschoolers at Creekside Forest School, your home can stay warm by adding layers. Rugs and curtains or drapes create extra insulation for a room and trap cold air underneath or behind them.

BONUS TIP: The thicker the rug or curtain, the better.

Keep the Air Flowing

Check your air vents in each room to make sure they are not blocked. Covered air vents will have to work harder to push heat into the room, and this step can keep your house warming efficiently. While you’re checking your vents, wipe them down so a build-up of dust doesn’t lower the air flow.

BONUS TIP: The same applies to your dryer vent. Clean it regularly to keep your dryer from working harder than it must.

Replace Filters

Your furnace is the workhorse of the winter. Giving it some help can go a long way. Replacing the air filter in your furnace every three to nine months (depending on your furnace) prevents lint or dust from building up in your furnace and keeps it humming all winter long.

BONUS TIP: If you suspect damage to your vents, an HVAC inspection and cleaning could fix hard-to-see problems that increase your energy bills.

Do Touch That Thermostat

Adjusting the thermostat just 7 to 10 degrees for 8 hours a day (such as when you are sleeping, at work or on vacation) can save 10% of your annual energy costs. Doing this with a programmable thermostat automates your energy savings and makes the process easier and more comfortable.

BONUS TIP: Heat pumps that use ground-source heat operate differently. Check your manual for the best way to maximize this kind of heating system.

Your love for the planet, paired with a little bit of do-it-yourself spirit, can reduce your energy usage, lower your bills, and nudge us all toward a more sustainable world. Stay warm in your energy efficient home, but don’t forget to get outside and enjoy the peace and majesty of winter.

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